VDL TBP Electronics boosts production capacity and synergy with RENA Electronica
Joost van Haperen (VDL TBP Electronics, l) and Maurits van der Laken (Partnertec, r) closing the deal

VDL TBP Electronics boosts production capacity and synergy with RENA Electronica

8 April 2024

We are delighted to announce that VDL TBP Electronics has taken a significant step in further increasing production capacity and strengthening collaboration with our sister company RENA Electronica.

We have recently invested in a state-of-the-art SMT assembly line from ASMPT via Partnertec, enabling us to significantly ramp up our output and enhance operational efficiency.

This strategic investment enables us, on one hand, to meet the ever-growing demand from our customers and further solidify our position in the electronics industry. On the other hand, it enhances the synergy between VDL TBP Electronics and RENA Electronica.

The new ASMPT SMT assembly line will be operational in May, allowing us to respond more effectively to changing market conditions and bring our assembly services to market more adequately. This investment aids us in achieving our growth objectives and in continuing to supply our partners with high-quality printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs).

We look forward to continuing our collaboration with you and achieving successful outcomes together. Thank you for your ongoing support and trust in VDL TBP Electronics and RENA Electronica.
